
1、没有了二十岁的洒脱肆意,没有过四十岁的云淡风轻,三十岁想要的是更好的生活。Without the freedom and fearlessness of the twenties and the clarity of the forties, what the thirties want is nothing but a better life.

2、夫妻之间,八成都是平淡的日子,两成是大起大落。这两成要是走好了,就能抵消前面八成的不如意。For a couple, 80% of a married life is made of daily routines and 20% ups and downs. But if you can get through all the ups and downs together, the unsatisfaction created from the routine life could be offset.

3、不是所有努力都会成功的,很多事都会事与愿违,我劝你也早点明自这个道理,不是有钱什么事都能办得成的。Working hard does not necessarily mean you are being productive. Sometimes, things turn out contrary to the way one wishes. I really do hope that you truly understand this as soon as possible. Being wealthy does not necessarily mean being successful.



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