
作者:不详  (字数:900字作文)

  费 用 普通学校 每年学费平均5000元
  艺术学校 每年学费平均10000元,甚至15000元
  其他 器材费用,家教费用
  就业及报酬 艺术类毕业生越来越多,就业紧张;毕业生至少每年收入50000元, 才能平衡以前的投入

  1. 词数:100-120;
  2. 开头已经给出,但不计入总词数。
  3. 参考词汇:费用 tuition
  More and more students would like to go to art college to realize their star dreams

  One possible version:

  More and more students would like to go to art college to realize their dream of becoming a star. But I think they spend too much money. Usually, a student spends 5,000 yuan every year for an average college, while 10,000 or even 15,000 yuan for an art college. Besides, some of them have to pay for equipment and private teaching. The cost of tuition has become a heavy burden for those from low-income families.What’s worse, with more and more students graduating from art colleges, it’s more difficult for them to get a job. A graduate has to earn at least 50,000 yuan every year to balance the previous cost, Personally, the art major isn’t only what we can choose. We should choose one suitable for ourselves. It is eye-catching but the payment is heartbreaking.



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