小学英语日记附教师评语-My sky

作者:不详  (字数:600字作文)

My sky.

I hope my sky is white. It is pure like snow and angle’s wing. I’ll became kind hearted and pure like angel.

I hope my sky is green. It is filled with life. I’ll become open and clear.

I hope my sky is red. It is hot, bring passion and light. I’ll become intense.

I hope my sky is purple. It is gentle. I’ll become polite.

I hope my sky is blue, calm and nice. I’ll become steaky.

I hope my sky is diaphanous. It is like crystal. I’ll become pure---hearted.

I hope m sky is colourful, nice and flowery. I’ll become rich and colourful.

I hope my sky. I’ll make it more and more beartiful.

班主任评语:Excellent!what a beautiful



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