
作者:不详  (字数:700字作文)


    Every one of us has his father. When I was ten months old,my father left my mother and me to go somewhere to earn a living. I have not seen him since then. But I know that later he died of an illness. I get to know him only through my mother. Whenever I see other boys walking hand in hand with their fathers, I envy them. They are so fortunate to have a father. Why can't I? I don't have a father to take care of me,to go to movies with me,to buy me ice-cream,to take me to the zoo. How I wish my father were alive! Though my mother loves me very much and gives me everything I need,I still feel that I lack something. Perhaps it is the love of a father.

    Sometimes I imagine that my father is with me and plays with me. But I never tell my mother about this, for fear that it might make her sad.

    Father, do you know how I nfiss you? Can you meet me in my dreams and talk to me? I love you, Father.




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