
作者:不详  (字数:700字作文)

Dear Manager:
    Much to my regret, I write this to place a complalnt against your bad delivery service of your company.
    The Samsung tape recorder model number JB/4703 that I ordered from your company on Nov. 1, arrived yesterday. The serial number of the machine is 4703 -0641. I am sorry to report that the recorder has been badly damaged. There was no unusual damage to the packing case, but when I opened it, I fimnd that the lid of the recorder had been cracked and that the
front surface of the machine had been scratched.
    Since there was such damage to the goods, I decided to file a complaint against the delivery service. Would you please let me know whether I should return the recorder to you for a replacement or if you have an authorized service representative here to which I should take it? I will hold on to this recorder until I hear from you.
                                                                                                                                                           Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                                                                          Jonathan Edwards



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