暑期同题作文大PK 4

作者:不详  (字数:800字作文)

      The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation  ( June,  July,  and August).

      Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities during the summer, and ask friends and relatives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.

       Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it.

       Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter    these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.



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