
作者:不详  (字数:900字作文)


  1.许多孩子地震后不能上学   2.。没有足够的学习用品和衣物   3.每个孩子都应该有上学的权利

  4.我们应该作一些力所能及的事情去帮助、他们,比如……    5.希望他们能尽快重返校园…….

  注意:1.可根据要点,适当发挥,(参考词汇:school things, have the right to do something, as possible as one can)

       2.  文章开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数        3.词数:70词左右

   Dear students,

          After the terrible earthquake,____________________________________________________________

                                                  Students' Union


  Dear students,

       After the terrible earthquake, there are lots of children out of school. Some of them are even homeless.

  Their schools and houses have destroyed. They can just live in the open air. They don't have enough school things or clothes .As we all know, every kid has the right to go to school, but now they are in trouble. As a Chinese, we should help them as possible as we can. We can raise some money and things for them. And we can also write to them to encourage them. I hope they will return to school as soon as possible with our help.

                                                                              Students' Union



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